Friday, September 23, 2011

Cuisiner sans four? Mais Ouais!

There is something very calming about making food. In this city - and really, in any city - it becomes so easy to lose track of one's center. I lurch forward with the mass of humanity on the métro, walk faster, smile far less, pull out defensive mechanisms far more, and worry so much about where I'm going that I sometimes forget to take in the scenery. While the last may not have been a problem when commuting to my former job, in Houston (see: terrible urban planning), it is here, where the winding Haussmanian boulevards and nineteenth-century buildings share space with with more recent cafés, sweet newspaper stands, and extremely beautiful people.

Having not yet found a yoga studio to reconnect myself with the universe, I turned to the next best thing: the kitchen. Grace à my big Jewish family, where food is inextricably connected with love, cooking has long been ritual; I move from cutting board to stovetop with surprising grace, understand improvisation in a new light, and generally end the night feeling very grounded. Moving here, however, demanded something new: I have never been without an oven. I'm used to roasting vegetables, toasting granola, and whipping up breads and baked goods. But after three days of cheese and jam sandwiches and greek yogurt, I figured I should get to work, oven or no oven.

If the darling space wasn't tempting enough, the previous tenant also left a gorgeous knife set. What better way to try it out, than on a new recipe?

Eggs in a Tomato-Spinach Sauce

Serves 2

1 tbsp. olive oil
2 small to medium sized tomatoes, finely chopped
4 oz/125 g spinach (about a bag; use more if desired)
10-12 oz (about 1 can) of whatever pasta sauce you like (I prefer sweet and mushroomy)
2-3 eggs
2 cloves garlic, minced or chopped into thin slivers
1 onion, diced
4 hearty slices baguette or grainy toast.

1/2 cup finely chopped mushrooms
teaspoon: basil, oregano, sea salt, black pepper, dash of cinnamon
Glug of wine
Cheese! Whatever kind you like, and as much as you want.

Prep work: Because this recipe cooks rather quickly and needs supervision, prepare the bread/toast and cheese beforehand. Just place 2 slices of bread on each plate and set the cheese aside. I've only made the recipe with sliced chevre and camembert, but I imagine it would be delicious with crumbled feta, grated parmesan, manchego, mozzarella or even a shredded sharp cheddar.

In a medium sized saucepan, sauté the onion, garlic, and herbs at medium heat until the garlic is just slightly browned. Add spinach in two stages, allowing to cook down (about 1 minute). Stir in tomatoes, tomato sauce, wine and cinnamon. Reduce the heat, bringing the liquid mixture to a slow boil. Crack the eggs one at a time into the sauce, delicately enough so that they remain afloat (if they sink, they will scramble a bit but still be delicious). Using a teaspoon or spatula, gently baste the egg whites in the tomatoey liquid until they are firm, about three minutes. Cook 30 seconds to a minute more for runny yolks; longer for firmer yolks.

When the eggs are finished to your personal liking, ladle the egg-tomato-spinach mixture onto bread, topping it with cheese. Serve immediately. Bon Appétit!

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